Sunday 8 September 2013

Minor update

I haven't posted here in quite a while - about a month now. I'm not too happy about that, but my work schedule and my writing for Post-Launch Reviews hasn't allowed me much spare time to work on this project.
After receiving a lot of helpful feedback on the logo designs I posted last month, I've decided to go with the third logo (to the right), as it's the most visually representative of the game's themes. I'd like to have it altered slightly so that it looks more icy or frosty, with a texture more like that of frost on glass.

Hopefully with work winding down a bit, I'll be more able to get some playtests going. The very brief one I ran earlier illustrated the need for a physical rulebook to have on hand for testers to refer to (and to ensure that I don't forget to explain any rules!) so I'm slowly putting a basic one together. No fancy design yet, just a working draft.

That's it for this update!